Thursday, November 1, 2007

To be here with the sacred

Another beautiful day knocks at your door...
who knows who might come in, especially, if it's the door of your soul that opens....
How to look in there, and see the river of purety flowing??
How to look in there, and taste those things beyond all understanding??
How to be here, where our realities have no significances??
Here, all fears melts,everything drops, the sweetness of nothingness takes you to where Buddhas have walked....the unpreoccupied mind generates no thoughts as there's no more quests, not even for ideals..
Atlast, the sun can rise and settle, illuminating your inner world of deep silence, there is no need to sit under a pipal tree to attain nirvana, no need to bother the openings of any thousand petaled lotuses.

Who can describe the undescribable??
Who can take you to your own Gangotri??
The idea itself of attaining something leaves the traces of some kind of struggle; and struggle takes you to more struggles..especially ,with living and dying, saving somebody, being kind etc...
Well Rajan,the idea of "submission"in hinduism is finally a door , a very beautiful invitation,....but ,who comes to hear the mantras of Brahma, even if it's Brahma own invitation !!
Very often, you 'll see" why" he quietly sits under a tree smiling...something affectionate is going on...and even ,Yama cannot interfere,...This is Bhakti that is not to be disturbed!!!

So many temples we have visited, so many imprints of human quests we have read...while ,our own quest invites us, and the journey comes calling, but very few are Buddhas to get up and go ,without looking backwards!!
And this path, is not to the mountains; but, to the very silence, where the real Buddha Gaya awaits for each one of us!!

Perhaps, Lao tzu says" to travel to the furthest one must not move" " to go to the highest one must fly without wings"

Any way,
Hope you're taking care of yourself......leaving the mind unbothered and sipping in your silence the mantras of Bhrama!!!

Well dear friend, thankyou again for your being there, and letting me know that we have been travelling togather in this path where no feet can take us...yet,there you are joyfully, offering brotherhood and friendship each day,

and to this i bow as though to the sacred.