There is a breed of silence in which
i use the rainbow
to write ardent words.
In red, mauve fog of october let me adorn you.
You who set ablaze in me, endless celestial filaments, arched high,
eligible to luminous happiness.
Be my warmth maker, the tremor, its husky instrument of sweet amourous voices .
Press all your red skies to my breast
transform them into particles so bright in my blood.
Become the sovereign rhymes of life.
Make your sorrows into songs of wisdom
and stretch truth from the places where you have'nt been searching.
Between you and me everything is of the highest reverance
a secret summit of sacrements celebrating love
in a feast of everlasting aromas of healing nectars.
Are'nt you the sacred sanctuary in which i seek solace everyday
And the only flower that blooms here is the flower of love.