Wednesday, October 22, 2008

At 03h00 in the morning,i tear every corner of my heart


breathing your presence
as i 'd breathe in the traces of scents
all the stars have left in me
last night.

The lights of my soul sails
in search of what the gods could'nt show me.

i have torn open
every corner of my heart
to find you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Les coquelicots saignent dans le ciel de ton coeur

Watching you elevate from the aromas of the full moon,
You come next to me dressed in dusk.

While every look from your eyes knocks at my door.
i flap my wings in the air of your laughter.
while the voices i hear talks through the throat of love.

Yesterday i gathered you in my longings,
but today, i have sat next to the ocean where your heart mingled within its storms.

i have seen the beauty of your soul on a sky sacred to you alone
where your silence weeps in a language of inner memories and sanctified pain .

How lovely are these white flowers in the clouds upon the ocean that roars in your soul
while you let melancholy write upon your face a golden poem.
This early autumn
flammes slowly.

sliding on cold waters.

Waves of love rise on these shores of long awaiting.

your lips celebrates silence.
i write your name in the colourful ink of dying autumn leaves.
remembering the way we touched each other.

i sit by the river, while it talks to me
and i recalled the name you gave to the teardrop in my eyes


Freedom from what, my beloved, i asked
you stood up and smiled
you never said a word
and i never said a word.
that evening the sun and the moon died.

Mute sparks leaps
to ignite the sombre visage of tonight's silence

every word
is a teardrop with feathered wings
transforming white doves into vultures
flocking around
a piece of meat named grief.

Is freedom today in your eyes .
No, i wont ask.

You don't have to tear my soul into pieces.
to bandage the scars of your soul.
put your head on my shoulders
to watch white doves hovering past the sky.

Monday, October 6, 2008

There is a breed of silence in which
i use the rainbow
to write ardent words.

In red, mauve fog of october let me adorn you.

You who set ablaze in me, endless celestial filaments, arched high,
eligible to luminous happiness.

Be my warmth maker, the tremor, its husky instrument of sweet amourous voices .

Press all your red skies to my breast
transform them into particles so bright in my blood.

Become the sovereign rhymes of life.
Make your sorrows into songs of wisdom
and stretch truth from the places where you have'nt been searching.

Between you and me everything is of the highest reverance
a secret summit of sacrements celebrating love
in a feast of everlasting aromas of healing nectars.

Are'nt you the sacred sanctuary in which i seek solace everyday
And the only flower that blooms here is the flower of love.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

i am too close to it
to see its poetry.

Wet words,
picked from an ocean of sadness
swimming in the aquarium of my silence.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

like a merciless storm bursts out of my soul
searching your traces , my beloved.

How sweet is the air, full of freedom,
Laughter streams out of your eyes like moonlight
with which you built your most cherished abode.

You danced, you rejoiced
You sang , you celebrated.
like a dawn, you spread and expanded yourself in me.

You are love's own whim.
And i became your almond tree
restoring days and nights in amourous blossoms.

Why then do you fear,
why do you tremble and shiver
don't you see my hand has been resting on your soft beautiful fingers.

Beloved, though i'm far away from you
can the arrows of life shatter the truth in your love.
the only truth in whose name you and i exist.