Having put me into contemplations, i found myself strolling in the following reflections..
How many times have you plunged your hands into your silence to grasp a word....a word that could relieve you, hold you like a child in its arms.
Words have come to me like a boat, sailing on the river of flesh, prompting in lustful whispers of desire, to make me witness my own alchemy, my daily disolving to become' nothing'.
The nothingness itself, becoming my biography, until all the verbs i have met in transition mingles with nouns and adjectives finally ends, at the fullstop of dying.
It makes me conscious of my daily orbit, my daily pilgrimage around a heliocentre of a porous silence, where urgency has no significance. Revolving to its stillness. Or rather stillness in its revolving.Nothing is abrupt, nothing is slow,
They take the time they need, to mould in different shades and tones.
The florescent chlorophyl of my thoughts emerge out of their emotional labyrinth borrowing the sun god's chariot to deliver their futile beauty.
'Saying it' becomes less important than watching 'its becoming'.
Have you noticed how the hammer of light pounds against the silence in a word , sculpting it, giving it an unique countenance you will behold only for a moment before it shall be lost in your memory.
though, that word you shall use again, in your smile, your laughter and your weeping.
Have you watched it falls like a beam of light from the hole in the roof of your thoughts?
while the dust spirals down like a hundred billions of stars..... you spread a sheet of silence to gather it??
When a lover's hand extends to touch the fingertips of his beloved, watch the becoming of that touch..how the words in it closes its eyes, to feel all the sublime flow of love aching reaching out with all its longings.
Watch, when a leaf detaches from a tree after all its time spent in sumptious souvenirs or disasterous existence now hitting the ground, recalling no more the lofty branches upon which its danced day and night.
What word could it utter..... a murmur, more than a Christ on his cross?
Or a Buddha..asking you to be a light unto yourself!
What is a word in any language, Gigi.??...Draw contentement from it, from the distance it has travel to brings its perfume to you, to make it feel all that you feel!
Thus, leaving its unique reason for visiting you on that particuler day.
NB/ thanks to Gigi for having given me the permission to print her question.