Saturday, March 15, 2008

Seven flowings from the heart of the Soul

Seven rivers flowed out of my soul..
So here they are.

The first flowing of gravity -- Silence plants the seeds of words.

The second flowing of desire -- intoxicates and ties knots in the perceptions.

The third flowing of duality -- life struggles and learns through conflicts.

The fourth flowing of understanding -- the seasons of Love takes you through the ocean in the sky;
And, the sky in the ocean.

The fifth flowing of encounter -- brings 'you' to your death,
your masks melt like wax in the sun; only then, you can step into the next flow.

The flowing of consciousness -- the undescribable , is felt through the wisdom,
of pure presence.

And you find your way to the river of oneness.

The flowing of Oneness -- in fact, the seventh is'nt a flow anymore :
It is infinite space.
You are omnipresent.
The seventh flowing --is the footsteps of god walking in you;
going nowhere
But , dancing to the songs of 'being'.

If the fourth is in reconciliation ;then, the seventh is in communion.